UFINITY reduces hospitalization risks by proactive monitoring & coaching.

How do you provide better coverage with lower premiums, with rising administrative costs and disruptive technologies?

UFINITY Health Coaches help members adhere to treatment plans & adopt healthier lifestyles, thereby minimizing risk for complications that lead to hospitalizations & readmissions.

asContinuous monitoring of progress & coaching on the UFINITY platform helps patients participate more actively thereby driving better results and reduce exorbitant claims.

What do you get?

Healthier members & better margins at lower risks, driven by member adherence to healthier lifestyles and reduced hospitalizations.

Healthy Lifestyles, Lower Premiums

You can segment & track customers based on current health, emerging health risks and lifestyle preferences and offer lower premiums to members with healthier lifestyles and commitment to manage chronic conditions proactively.

Track Member Adherence

You can track member adherence to healthy lifestyle plans (Medication, Nutrition, Exercise, BP, Sleep, Blood-Glucose levels) via integration with wearable devices for timely intervention and reduce risks for hospitalization.

Reduce Hospitalization Risks

You can engage members and providers better to improve adherence and care outcomes to reduce readmission rates as well as minimize risks around malpractice suits while shifting to the new ‘pay-for-performance’ payment models.

Predictive Member Insights

Analyze patient data from multiple sources (clinical, lifestyle related, wearable devices and peer groups) to monitor, predict and intervene ahead of time. Benchmark your services via patient feedback & market intelligence.

Drive Preventive Care

Experienced Health Coaches will engage patients one-on-one to set & achieve their health goals based on your prescription and monitor proactively for timely intervention based on predictive analytics & Artificial Intelligence.

Reduce Risk & Costs

Drive innovation with shifting customer preferences, regulatory landscapes and competition. Reduce costs and improve margins by adopting cutting-edge digital technologies & best-in-class practices powered by data/analytics.

How does this work?

UFINITY enables insurers to offer reduced premiums based on healthier lifestyles and ability to track member adherence to minimize risks that lead to complications, based on proactive monitoring, predictive analytics & continuous care collaboration.


1 Set-Up


Sign-up & subscribe to a solution customized for your target audience. Recommend ‘Preventive Care’ and “Chronic Care’ solutions to your patients.

2 Onboard Members


A dedicated UFINITY Staff Nurse will help your members to shift to healthier lifestyles as well as manage existing chronic conditions better.

3 Track & Improve


Track member adherence and reduce risk of hospitalization with proactive monitoring & coaching by the Staff Nurse, predictive analytics & continuous care.